What to do After an Accident

What You Should Know About: 

What To Do if You’re in an Auto Accident

Preparation is your best protection. Plan ahead for the unexpected and act with care after an accident.

Three things you should know:

  1. Keep critical documents, such as your car registration, proof of insurance and important medical information, in your vehicle at all times.
  2. Store an emergency kit in your vehicle. Make sure it includes essential items like road flares, jumper cables and a first aid kit.
  3. Speak with your insurance agent or company to confirm the protection your auto insurance policy provides – as well as things that aren’t covered (but might be added).  

Statistics say most of us will be involved in an auto accident (minor, we hope!) at some point during our driving lives. Knowing what to do immediately after an accident can help protect you and your passengers from additional injury or damage, ease a stressful situation and help what comes next - the claims process - go more smoothly. Here’s what to do if you are involved in a car accident:

  1. Pull over to the side of the road after an accident, but only if it’s safe to do so. Never leave the scene of an accident before you’ve taken these additional steps.
  2. Call for medical and/or law enforcement help for anyone who may be injured or if damage to vehicles or property is serious.
  3. Get the name, address, phone number, email address, insurance company information (including the policy number) and driver’s license number of everyone who was involved.
  4. Get the names and contact information of any witnesses. 
  5. Take photos of the accident scene and all the vehicles involved.
  6. Write down or record the details of the accident as soon as possible. The longer you wait the more difficult it may be to remember what happened.
  7. Get a copy of the police report. If police are not involved, go to the nearest police station as soon as possible (or visit its website) to file an incident report.
  8. Notify your insurance agent or company as immediately as possible to start the claims process. 
  9. Save copies of all documents, photos, witness statements or other materials that are related to the accident.

Video: 4 Steps to Take After an Auto Accident